Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Grasslands (Part 1)

Right now, Dragons Abound marks two kinds of terrain: mountains and forests.  It has a variety of ways to illustrate each of those.  I want to work now on adding markings for grasslands (plains).

Many maps don't mark these terrains at all, or indicate them with color.  Among the maps that do mark plains, a sort of arced symbol of hash marks is the most common choice.  Here's an example from a black and white map used in James Barclay's Raven novels, and drawn by Jenifer Mundstock
The little hash marks look something like grass, and I suppose that's why it is used.  Here's another example on a map from Misty Bee:
While the hash marks are by far the most popular option, there are some variants.  For example, on her Tamriel map, Misty Bee marks plains with sparse dotted lines:
On a few maps I've seen plains or grasslands indicated by just a few occasional trees, as in this map from John Stevenson:
Since I already have a routine to draw individual trees, that's a variant I may explore at some point.

However, by far the most common indicator are the hash marks, so in the next posting, I'll start working on drawing those.

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